Monday, 23 June 2014

Solstice | Ace of Wands

We are rapidly approaching Midsummer's Day, the Summer Solstice.

According to the DruidCraft Wheel of The Year, the Solstice is governed by The Ace of Wands, The Princess of Wands and it falls at the end of the Wheel cycle and the beginning of Justice cycle.

All the Aces are special because they carry within them, like a womb, all the rest of the suit. In the Ace of Wands we can look forward to a fiery season blessed with the power of passion, action, enthusiasm and intuitive leaps! The Aces remind us of the promise that lies ahead for us in this cycle – should we choose to see it and embrace it.

Let's look at the card image:

The Wand itself dominates the card. How do you see this Wand? Do you see the tip penetrating the centre of the flaming sun or the sun birthing the wand down to us here on earth?

From the Wand eight green birch leaves flutter down. For me the leaves signify the eight festivals in the Druidic Wheel of the Year. In the distance, birch trees are shown in their summer glory, growing tall and straight- a symbol of beginning. A mature Red Deer stag, totem of Summer and the South, stands proudly at the edge of a rocky cliff. We can also see the faint outline of a waxing moon.

With the penetrated sun/birthing sun, the rutting stag and the growing belly of the moon, everything in this card exclaims the joy of the season's fertility! The Ace asks you to notice - whether we are town mice or country mice – that nature is bursting with abundance!

What gifts does the Solstice bring you?
Can you find the gift in everything that the Solstice brings?
How can you share your abundance?
What are you 'birthing' at the moment?