Friday 8 August 2014

6 Wands

In the Druidcraft Tarot's 6 of Wands, the hunter and his men are making their way home as the sun sinks low on the horizon.

From the ungainly banging around in the 5 of Wands, we have made great progress and now stand victorious over our recent trials.

The hunter, on horseback,  carries his hawk on his wrist.  Behind follow the beaters who triumphantly carry home the game.  The hawk does not wear a hood and he (and the horse!) look towards us with great interest as the group makes its way towards us on the puddle-dappled path.

This card trumpets victory and leadership!  Only one person sits atop the horse - the rest follow behind.
It can also indicate that you have attained a degree of mastery over the self.  But take care because this is only today's victory, the process must be repeated in order to ensure continual victory.

We must remember that without the abilities of the hawk, there would be no success for the hunter - give respect to the gifts that enable your victory.

The 6 of Wands asks:

Recognise where you are victorious in the outer world!
Where do you demonstrate your powers of leadership?
Acknowledge that 'victory' is an ongoing process!
Can you find the valour of the 6 of Wands within you?

#druidcraft #tarot  (Ali)