Thursday 31 July 2014

Lammas | XIII Death

Spanning Lammas - or Lughnasadh as this Festival is also known - we have XIII Death.

The image we have here is of the Cailleach - the Goddess in her Crone aspect.  She stands at the entrance to her cave and gently strokes a human skull as she gazes out into the growing light of a new day.

We are reminded of the transformative meaning of this card - the snake that sits behind her not only has the power to kill, but also to heal.  It also sheds its skin - just as we shirk off our carcass when the Cailleach's sickle points towards each of us.

There is an inevitability about this card - just as night follows day behind the dolman in the background of this card, night will fall once again; we cannot fight it.  We need not strive to achieve - she waits patiently for us all!

Death shows us that we have an opporunity to cut down and clear away old and worn-out aspects of our lives, in order to make way for the new.

What are you lugging around with you like a tired old body? What detritus does Death call you to discard?

Make no mistake - the cutting out that Death requires hurts like hell.  If it was easy to do, you would have done it aaaaages ago, but it's difficult and you've grown attached to it matter how drained the toxic friendship might be..... no matter how lifeless the relationship now is.

Change is scary - you must venture out of your comfort zone (as our Wands cards have also indicated). 

Transformation is scary - but a butterfly can't remain a caterpillar for ever! Embrace the Cailleach and see what NEW LIFE she breathes into you!