Thursday 17 July 2014

Prince of Wands

The Prince of Wands energies have taken over from the confidently striding Princess.

The Prince is depicted here upon his horse, leaping over a tussock of grass as he gallops forward to meet.....well, everything really!

He has a huge appetite for life and is the sort of person who says YES to everything.....only later, as he's nursing a hangover or worse, sitting in a jail cell, does he look back at his hasty actions and wonder whether he might have made the wrong decision.

But he's not the sort to dwell upon his mistakes.  Life is for seizing and the Prince of Wands doesn't think terribly much about the consequences - he's young, he's ambitious and fiery - it's not his job to worry about what might happen.

The Prince of Wands urges you to seize the day!  He advocates action - any action - just don't stand still and wait for life to come to you!