Monday 28 July 2014

5 of Wands

After the celebration of the 4 of Wands and our imminent arrival at Lammas on 1 August, we find ourselves in the energies of the 5 of Wands.

We see five young men, each wielding a long stick, all clattering into each other with gusto!

In some decks this looks like the boys are fighting, but here there is an element of joy about it - like a very physical game is being played and the competition is fierce!

Perhaps they are building something.  The arrangement of the Wands in this card always reminds me of a star so perhaps they are trying to work together and it's all getting a bit out of hand.

This card reminds us that just as we try to make our own way in the world, we might accidentally poke other people - even tread on other people's toes.  But it's not deliberate and to take it as a slight says more about you than the other person.

We're all just trying to do our best and sometimes we get it wrong - apologise and move on, but above all, don't take it personally - just jump in and enjoy the game.

Life is not a spectator sport!