Sunday 13 July 2014

3 Wands

In the 3 of Wands we find another man on a hillside, but this time the figure is a real man in his prime, not the enormous outline of the hillside giant!

The man stands in a fairly relaxed pose - one foot resting on a rock, one hand resting against the trunk of a great tree.

By his side we see three saplings, now growing strongly from the ground.

The man looks off into the distance, where a path snakes down the valley floor.  What is he waiting for?  What are YOU waiting for?

From the eager desire to set sail and explore the world that we found in the 2 of Wands, we have a more mature scenario.

The seeds have been sown, the projects/relationships have taken root and are growing strongly - just as the saplings stretch tall and begin to branch.

From his high vantage point, the man can easily see what's coming down the path towards him - this is a card that indicates good perspective and an ability to see the Big Picture.

But just as he can watches for the rewards of his labour to appear on the path, there is also the opportunity to go forth again himself and make greater use of his fiery, questing Wands spirit!