Monday 21 July 2014

4 Wands

In the four of Wands we have moved out from our place of safety and are now feeling celebratory!

In the image foreground we have a fire pit - where the flames gaily dance - surrounded by four tall posts, garlanded with flowers.  There are boulders around that could be used as seats.

This feels like a place where people get together around the fire and celebrate!

However, celebrations are temporary - Cinderella has to go home from the ball!  And the flimsy bower looks like quite a temporary structure.  See how the flames are licking perilously close to those wooden uprights too!

Fear not!

Look at the path - yes, it does lead down from the house to the bower, but it also leads from the bower BACK to the house!

Unlike the 2 of Wands where to emerge from the copse and head towards the figure carved into the hillside left you exposed and potentially vulnerable, here we have an easy way to travel back to our homes.

With this card, therefore, we remember the importance of pushing out into the world and celebrating our achievements and good times with others, but also the importance and stability that home provides.