Wednesday 3 September 2014

9 Wands

At last, the challenge seems to be over - the javelins have all been thrown.  Surely the struggle must be over? In the 9 of Wands, the Druidcraft presents us with the final battle : defence.

In the card image we see the javelins of the 8 that have thudded into the ground. But now their ends have been sharpened and they make a lethal wall, pointing out into the unknown.  In the distance a fire rages out of control. Behind the barrier, a wounded warrior stands, waiting.

He is poised and prepared for further enemy aggression.  He doesn't truly believe that he has overcome his challenges, but simply driven them back.

When this card arises in a reading, it can represent a fear that there is more to do; that the enemy will mount another assault.  Your energy is taken up with watchful defence - your wound makes drawing a line under the situation difficult to do.

Yet in order to make progress, this is what you must do.  Cultivate an awareness around your fears - what or who pushes your buttons and has you mentally raising the defensive wall? By becoming attuned to when your 'enemy' appears, you can develop a strategy to implement - disarm your fear and once again achieve victory over it.

But always move forward, strive for progress. Don't let old fears hold you back

9 of Wands asks:

What are you afraid of?
How would you handle it if it happened again?
What old wounds are you carrying?

#tarot #druidcraft   (ali)