Friday 5 September 2014

King of Wands

The watery energies of the Queen of Wands have now burned off and we are in the entirely fiery realms of the Druidcraft Tarot's King of Wands.

Expansive, magnetic and passionate, the King of Wands is a compelling authority figure.

With a nod to the Rider Waite Smith symbolism, the King's collar shows two lizards biting their tails - the famed salamander who represents the element of Fire.   Likewise, the rams heads on the throne suggests a link with Aries.

Very much a Big Picture character, the King of Wands is not interested in the minutiae or detail of a project.  He likes the unfettered horizon of the whole project leaving the thrashing out of the nitty-gritty to others better suited to the task.

He is a restless soul who dislikes being confined by physical, mental or spiritual restraints, preferring to roam freely to express himself without constraint.

Being purely a fiery creature, the King of Wands runs a risk of overwhelming those around him with his all-consuming passions - whether it's for making beer, keeping bees or running for President.  His inability to thrive if restrictions are too tight can affect personal relationships - never has the phrase 'he needs his space' been more appropriate!

Today the King asks you:

What grand projects will you dare to launch?
What passions ignite you?

#druidcraft  #tarot   (Ali)