Wednesday 8 October 2014

Prince of Cups

As the energies of the Princess of Cups begins to ebb away, the incoming tides bring us the dreamy idealist:  The Prince of Cups.

This is not a fast-moving high achiever of a Prince - look at his horse, he's out for a stroll rather than a gallop.

Barefoot and holding his Cup before him like an enchanted chalice, the Prince of Cups is an imaginative, romantic soul.  But he's prone to day-dreaming and not getting terribly much done by way of questing!

The Prince of Cups can be found seated cross-legged on the floor at parties, strumming his guitar and gazing into the eyes of his latest love.  His words of love will be sincere, but, sadly, because he's an airy-fairy-change-my-mind Knight, also short-lived.  

As a Knight, he hasn't got the experience to be in a relationship for the long haul.  Although he really wishes that he was.  He really TRIES to be constant, you know? But the heart wants what the heart wants!

So what is he telling us?

Are your day-dreams sucking energy out of achieving your goals?
What steps can you take to turn your dreams into reality? 
Forgive your fickle heart!
Understand other people's change of heart!

#druidcraft #tarot